To prescribe syllabi and text books.
To grant affiliation to the institutions offering Intermediate course.
To lay down regulations for the administration of Junior Colleges.
To publish text books
To prescribe qualifications for teachers.
To cause academic inspection of Junior Colleges.
To conduct examinations.
To process results and to issue certificates.
Examination is one of the most important function of the Board. Every year it conducts the Annual Examination (March/April) and the Advanced Supplementary Examination (May / June).
RecountingThe Board allows the candidates to apply for Recounting on the payment of Rs.100/- per paper and Photocopy & Reverification of the answer book will be supplied on payment of Rs.600 per paper . The scripts are obtained from the camps and carefully scrutinized for any mistake in totaling, posting and omission of bits. If any discrepancy is noticed it shall be referred to the Authenticity committee for its opinion Based on the report, corrections if any are carried out and the candidates are informed accordingly.
PatternThe Intermediate Public Examination is being conducted since 1978-79 both at the end of 1st year course and at the end of 2nd year course. Earlier the Public Examination was only at the end of 2nd year. The candidates are examined in Part-I English, Part-II Second Language and Part-III Group subjects for 500 marks in 1st year and 500 marks in 2nd year in Arts Group, and 470 marks in 1st year and 530 marks in 2nd year in MPC group, and 440 marks in 1st year and 560 Marks in 2nd year for the Bi.P.C. group. The percentage of pass marks in each paper is 35. The division in which the candidates are placed is decided on the basis of their passing all the papers in the 1st year and in the 2nd year.